Skillet Strip Steak with Spicy Coffee Rub A quick and easy recipe for New York strip steak, cooked inside on a cast-iron skillet. Ready in: 25 mins Ingredients Makes:...
Duck Breasts with Cherry Sauce recipe Ingredients 1 kg duck breast 300 ml chicken broth 300 ml port wine salt and pepper, to taste 200 g cherries, pitted, halved 20 g butter Instructions Score...
Stuffed Pork with Apricot Sauce An amazing dinner for a special night (maybe for a special someone). Not gonna lie to ya, it’s gonna take some work and some...
Stuffed Pork Roast recipe Ingredients 2 ½ kg pork center loin 2 tbsp Dijon mustard salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 onions, chopped 60 g butter 250 g oyster mushroom,...
Escalopes of Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary recipe Ingredients One 3/4-pound whole pork tenderloin 1/4 cup flour 3 Tablespoons melted butter 1 cup white wine 2 sprigs fresh rosemary Salt and...